
MesoSilver® Antifungal/Antibacterial Disinfecting Spray
Use in the kitchen, bathroom and childrens room to disinfect hard surfaces, towels, sheets, pillow cases and clothing to prevent the spread of infectious microbes.
- Smallest Silver Nanoparticles
- Highest Particle Surface Area
- Maximum Effectiveness
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About MesoSilver Antifungal/Antibacterial Disinfecting Spray
Mesosilver® - Antifungal/Antibacterial Disinfecting Spray is effective against all kinds of bacterial and fungal pathogens on towels, clothing and foot gear that cause: ringworm, athlete foot, and other infections.
The spray contains an all natural colloidal silver which kills bacteria and fungus (see the bacteriology studies). It's made using the highest purity, sterile reagent grade deionized water and contains high purity 0.9999 silver and deionized water. Concentration: 20 ppm total silver. This spracy is totally nontoxic, no adverse side effects have ever been reported.
What is Colloidal Silver?
Many products are advertised as being colloidal silver, but in fact are mostly ionic silver solutions. A true silver colloid consists mostly of silver particles. Learn The Truth About Ionic Silver that other producers don't want you know. Mesosilver has the highest percentage of it's silver content in the form of silver particles, not silver ions, so it is more effective at attacking the pathogens that cause infections.
Colloidal silver is reported to be unparalleled at killing bacterial, fungal and viral infections hence effective for fungus infection. Colloidal silver has a history spanning hundreds of years as an effective germ fighter. It is believed that the pathogens that cause infections cannot become immune to the killing power of colloidal silver. The known germicidal properties of silver combined with the high particle surface area of a colloid enhances the body's natural defense against infections without using drugs. No side effects from using colloidal silver have ever been reported.
Particle Surface Area
Mesosilver is 0.9999 pure silver sub-nanometer sized particles suspended in pure deionized water. This combination is called a colloid. The silver particles in Mesosilver have been measured to be 0.65 nanometers in diameter, which is less than three times the diameter of an atom of silver. Because these silver particles are so small and the concentration of particles is high, the result is a silver colloid with a very high particle surface area. In the world of chemistry, surface area determines how effectively a substance will react with its environment. It is the surface area of the silver particles coming in contact with the microbes that is believed to kill them on contact. The germicidal properties of metallic silver have been known for hundreds of years. While the silver particles are believed to be one of the most effective natural agents known for killing pathogens, they are non-toxic to humans.
Resources and Uses
- Learn about the relative size of the colloidal silver nanoparticles in Mesosilver with our Meso-World Visualization Tool.
- What is Ionic Silver?
- Three types of products all claiming to be colloidal silver.
- High particle surface area makes Mesosilver brand colloidal silver more effective than silver protein type products with silver concentrations in the tens of thousands of ppm.
- History of the Uses of Silver
- Colloidal Silver Studies
- Effectiveness: MesoSilver vs. Ionic Silver
- Particle Surface Area - Product Comparisons
- Silver Nanoparticles Pose No Threat to the Environment
- Make your own silver socks
- Silver Content